Jenni Edwards ~ Adventurer.Author.Speaker.
Resilience In the Face of Calamity
Jenni is the author of upcoming book “Bumping Down Highways”. She is a storyteller, sales expert and full-time solo woman RVer. All of her life, no matter what challenges were thrown in her way, she found the courage to face every one of them head on! Often, the challenges resulted in re-inventing herself, both personally and professionally. Her determination and positive attitude made her successful in each new venture she tackled. She found success in corporate sales at a large publicly traded company, founded a successful government contracts and staffing consulting company and professional women’s group, designed and built Tiny Houses (even built the first LEED Platinum Certified Tiny House in the World). After hitting the road, logging tens of thousands of miles traveling the country as a solo woman RVer, Jenni now is also an expert in all things RV!
Motivational Speaker – Jenni is a motivational speaker who has overcome extreme adversity, conquered insurmountable obstacles, and can engage, re-energize and motivate any group. From corporate engagements, to association conventions to charity events, she offers a diverse range of speaking experiences and talents. Funny, professional and inspirational, she shares from personal experiences that allow her to relate directly to every audience. Jenni offers a unique style filled with passion and charisma.
- Motivational Speaker
- Keynote Speaker
- Corporate Speaker
- Educational Speaker
- Inspirational Speaker
- Public Speaker