In my travels as a full-time, solo-woman RVer, I have heard thousands of people tell me that I am living their dream. By writing “Bumping Down Highways”, I hope to encourage more people to get out there and live their own dream,, to be the catalyst for others to have meaningful experiences, exciting adventures and memories that will last a lifetime.
Get Noticed
More and more people are buying RVs than ever before and many are new to the experience. They look to other RVers for advice and suggestions. I talk to RVers I meet everywhere. I name companies and their products on radio, tv and podcasts every chance I get. I frequently posts pictures and videos on social media of products I love. Because people love my story and trust me, they buy the products I suggest. Click on the FIND OUT MORE button below to learn how YOU can Get Noticed by partnering with Bumping Down Highways!